Reflecting Back
"King's Kids Jerusalem have become an inseperable part of my life, a family, and a shelter where I feel most like myself."
We asked Ahalela Nickalls, a leader at our youth group, how was her experiance being part of King's Kids Jerusalem from such a young age, and what made her decide as a young adult to come back as a staff member. Here's what she had to say.

Growing up in King's Kids Jerusalem
When I was a child, I begged to my parents to sign me up to King's Kids because all of my friends went there. The beggings worked, and at the age of 7 I started participating on a regular basis at the group's activities. I have found there true friends whom are very close to me to this day - we are practicly a family. I have experienced my childehood days with them, and my journy with the Lord was side by side with them. King's Kids Jerusalem have become an inseperable part of my life, a family, and a shelter where I feel most like myself.
In King's Kids I got the apportunity to improve my self confidence in speaking infront of a crowd, and infront of different kinds of people. I also learned how to eccept people who are different than me and to live alongside with them in harmony, while still keeping my uniqueness and variance.
The time apart
On 2016 I began my army service and served as an assessor of behavioral science, as part of a humen resources team that was responsible for finding the most fit candidates for commanders' and officers' training school. I worked very hard and didn't get to controll my free time as much as I wanted. But King's Kids was always on my heart, and every time I got the chance I kept on coming to the meetings and participated on weekend camps.
After My army service had ended, I realized I want to contribute to the group in a more meaningful way. The Lord has put on my heart the vision of King's Kids, gave me a deeper anderstanding for its meaning and Led me to come back to the group and to take part in actualizing it. What moved me most about that vision, was the reconciliation between the Jews and the Arab believers. I believe it is important to teach and to nurture the values of peace from a young age , and I feel very blessed I have had that oportunity as a child.

Today I'm a leader at the King's Kids Jerusalem youth group, and help preparing the weekley meetings and other activities. I get excited from learning new things, and as a youth leader I learn a lot about teaching, leadership and about the needs of youth during these ages. I love being a part of their maturing process, and what moves me most is when one of them approches me for help or advice.
Being a leader at a group I have grown with from such a young age is really fun. I feel like I can give back to people that have given me so much. It is also challenging at times, when I realize how some things change with the years and require adjustments, and sometimes I need to let go of the controls and to be open minded to changes and to new people.